The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

John C. Maxwell

Book Description
John C. Maxwell takes readers on a life-altering journey to develop the 21 traits all great leaders have in common. Maxwell explains that the key to transforming someone who understands leadership into a person who leads in the real world is character. Among the 21 traits discussed are: character, charisma, communication, listening, servanthood, teachability, and vision.

Jim's Thoughts
In my role as a leader, I wanted to learn more about the most important qualities that I need to be demonstrating to others in order to enhance my effectiveness. The book clearly and concisely describes and illustrates fundamental qualities of leadership in a compelling manner. Clients should gain knowledge about exhibiting leadership characteristics in different areas of their life, both vocationally and personally. One will find this to be an easy read and a quick way of beginning to develop their own leadership style which will help in their personal growth and development.