The World Is Flat

 Thomas Friedman


Book Description
In The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman describes the unintended surge of technological and social shifts that in effect leveled the economic world. The primary premise of this book is the "flattening" of the world, a process in which individuals as well as companies are empowered through the progression of globalization. The three-time Pulitzer Prize winner argues convincingly that globalization, with all its attendant geopolitical effects, is the single most noteworthy trend of our day. Friedman exposes the brave new world for readers, allowing them to make sense of the often puzzling global scene unfolding before their eyes. This book is a bold, timely and essential update on globalization in the twenty-first century and is a must read for those interested in the world today.

Jim's Thoughts
I chose this book in order to gain a better understanding of the cause and pace of change that we are experiencing in the way we conduct our business. I liked the author's logical presentations of the 10 factors that have flattened the world and his compelling case of how to deal with this new paradigm. Clients should appreciate the clear insight the author brings in identifying and describing the forces of change. One should appreciate the observations about how these changes are affecting our profession.