Rich Forever

Michael Kendrick

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Book Description

From all his experiences, author Michael Kendrick emerges with a passion to demystify the secrets of wealth for people from all walks of life. You’ll discover the three concepts of rich that make it possible for virtually anyone to become rich and stay that way. You’ll learn why rich people so often feel poor, while poor people sometimes consider themselves rich beyond measure. And, in the most practical manner, you’ll see how one man rose from junior college dropout to become a successful entrepreneur many times over.

Plenty has been said about getting rich quickly. But an even bigger impact on a person’s life is not how fast they get there, but how long they stay that way once they do. And, as author Michael Kendrick explains, the two ideas are inextricably linked. In fact, until you understand the driving concepts and motivations required to make riches last, it’s not likely you’ll find yourself in possession of them in the first place.

In this honest and provocative account, Kendrick describes his own journey through the peaks and valleys of fluctuating wealth and shares the lessons that can only be learned through gaining, losing, and gaining again hundreds of millions in net worth. He recalls the time he survived on a diet of mayonnaise and crackers while waiting for his next paycheck. And the surreal experience of closing a deal worth millions with a single phone call...from the deck of a yacht. If you’ve ever dreamed of being rich, then forever is the time to do it.

Jim’s Thoughts

Mike describes through his own experiences his early ambitions toward the creation of wealth, his successes, his setback and his ultimate success in becoming wealthy. Once becoming wealthy, he realized that that was really not the answer or the objective that would bring about true success and happiness. Rather, he found through life experience and the example of others, notably King Solomon, that only when you use your material wealth to benefit others do you truly experience richness and can learn how to be rich forever.