What I'm Reading...

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

John C. Maxwell takes readers on a life-altering journey to develop the 21 traits all great leaders have in common. Maxwell explains that the key to transforming someone who understands leadership into a person who leads in the real world is character. Among the 21 traits discussed are: character, charisma, communication, listening, servanthood, teachability, and vision.

Less is More Leadership: 8 Secrets to How to Lead and Still Have a Life

	Less is More Leadership: 8 Secrets to How to Lead and Still Have a Life

How can you lead effectively and still have a life? Dale Burke offers 8 secrets to cutting through the pile and getting to the heart of what God made you to do. This Christ-centered, practical plan for achieving stability between professional success and personal satisfaction will move readers to a new level of purpose and achievement as they learn to trust God's truths.